Desktop SLS Printer

Exploring the Future of Desktop 3D Printing

Fusion Lite is a desktop-grade SLS (powder sintering) 3D printer.
It’s easy to use, prints industrial-grade nylon, multiple models at once, and can be placed on your desktop, giving you the freedom to create!

High-performance materials
Unsupported 3D Printing
Economic Manufacturing Solutions
High-precision printing
Early Bird Price: $1999
Desktop SLS 3D Printer

More Info

Fusion Lite is a desktop-grade SLS (powder sintering) 3D printer


Print build volume: 100×100×120mm
Maximum heating temperature: 200℃
Manufacturing cycle: 15-30 days
Laser Power:5w


1. Please wear protective gear to avoid direct contact with the powder.
2. Please place the equipment in a separate room and prepare air purification equipment.